YBDSA AGM January 2023 Report - President, Robert Elliott
Published: 21 February 2023
This time last year I had no idea of the unfolding events at our Glassworks HQ. I would never have imagined that I would be honoured with the Presidency of the YBDSA, the Association that I hold most closely to my heart.
Glassworks is now back on track happily purring along about its business.
Thank you to Craig who frequently changed hats stepping in to offer his support.
Among other issues that kept us on our toes, was the building at Glassworks which required an intervention to reinforce the roof structure. Engineers assessed the condition of the roof supporting structure and gave instructions as to the structural intervention required. The project was appointed to a contractor, who following the engineer’s instructions added steel beam reinforcements. A second engineering firm was consulted who assured us of the structure’s safety. Other structural elements are being monitored regularly.
Consideration is also under review to examine relocating to larger premises, large enough to hold our seminars and other venues, with larger parking space while remaining easily accessible and within easy commuting distance for everyone at the office.
We also came under the MCA’s scrutiny and our CA department was audited, placing Karen under tremendous pressure while she was still learning the ropes. Dawn’s long experience however offered Karen invaluable guidance during this process.
ABYA and the YDSA committees and their Chairmen worked closely under the same roof, in unity, with joint targets in their sights.
With all the above now behind us, our hands are free to turn towards the future and to materialise our visions.
The ABYA committee have worked hard with its Chairman, Peter Norris, personally developing a road map for the future which, with the YDSA committee, will form a major part of the discussions for the subsequent Council.
Both ABYA and the YDSA plan to develop training as a major priority, with the aim to continue our long history of excellence in our respective fields, as well as creating much needed revenue.
Our Associations need to be promoted beyond our shores, and visits are planned with the Large Yacht Group to the Italian premises of a leading global builder of large yachts, for a familiarisation tour which will also raise awareness of our Associations within the Italian yachting community. It will offer the opportunity to every surveyor and broker member to enter the illustrious world of large yachts.
Due to a large staff turnover in the last twelve months, Karen will be looking to replace much needed office team members.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the members of the dedicated Council, which function seamlessly and in unity, pursuing the common cause of serving our membership, and much credit should be given to them.
The marriage of ABYA and the YDSA is unique in our industry, and we are all proud to belong to these most prestigious Associations, uniquely joined under one umbrella for the benefit of all involved. We enjoy an untapped and diverse wealth of knowledge - awaiting for the chance to released.
Robert Elliott, YBDSA President