ABYA, YDSA and YBDSA Host Successful 2023 AGM

Published: 29 November 2023

On Monday 27th November 2023, our Associations – ABYA, YDSA, and YBDSA – held a hugely successful day of Annual General Meetings – each full of insightful updates from 2023 and exciting plans for 2024.  

The meetings took place this year online (via Teams), whilst many of the ABYA and YDSA Council Members joined The Glassworks team in-person at The Causeway Business Centre in Petersfield.  

The day started with ABYA’s AGM and the (former) ABYA Chairman – Peter Norris, presenting an overview of what ABYA has achieved since the last AGM (held in January 2023). An update was then provided by YBDSA CEO, Karen Wilson, followed by a Q&A from joining Members. 

The morning continued with YDSA’s AGM, led by YDSA Chairman – Tim Barker, and continued in a similar format with an informative update from Karen and questions posed by YDSA Members. 

Each ABYA an YDSA AGM provided information to bring Members up-to-date on matters including: 

  • Challenges met by the Associations in 2023 
  • Projects delivered by the Associations in 2023 
  • 2024 Business Development Plans 
  • Election of new Committee Members 
  • And much more 

Finally, the day concluded with an overview from YBDSA President, Robert Elliott and a further report from YBDSA CEO – Karen Wilson, YBDSA Accounting Specialist – Sarah-Jane Anslow, and YBDSA Marketing – Katie Schuster. The full Glassworks team, including Craig White, James Brown, Morgan Phipps, Kay Greenwood, and Dawn McNaughtan were also introduced to the AGM attendees. 

We would like to say many congratulations to our new ABYA Committee, YDSA Committee and YBDSA Council members. We are looking forward to working with you over the next year and excited to continue propelling the ABYA and YDSA Associations forward. 

Welcome to our new President and Committee Members: 

YBDSA PresidentPeter Norris 

ABYA Committee: 

Mark Matthews, ABYA Chairman | Mark Cameron | Katy Dixon | Mark Elyatt | Alex Grabau | Emma Green | Chris Ibbotson | Rupert Knox-Johnston | Christian Moore | Peter Norris | David Rogerson | Miles Stratton | Simon Turner  

YDSA Committee: 

Tim Barker, YDSA Chairman | Ian Anderson | Doug Ashley | Robert Elliott | Justin Green | Giles Innes | Charles King | Jo Rees-Howell | Jayson Sibley | Cameron Springthorpe 

YDSA-CA Committee: 

Ben Sutcliffe-Davies, CA Chairman | Charles Rossiter | David Greening | Duncan Saunders | Ed Horne-Wingett | Ian Anderson | John Ross | Mike Fox | Mike Hall | Richard Linford | Robin Milledge 

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