How to vote at the ABYA AGM
Published: 25 September 2023
Voting with a show of hands at the AGM
In general, voting at the AGM is by a show of hands of qualifying members present. When a motion/resolution is raised, those voting will raise their hand and hold it until the Chairman asks for them to be lowered, giving us a chance to count. There will be a vote "For" and a vote "Against", for which you must raise your hand indicating a single clear choice.
If you are acting as proxy for another member, you may have one vote "For" and one vote "Against". This is regardless of how many members you are acting as proxy for.
Who are qualifying members?
Although every Member shall be entitled to attend the AGM, only those at a grade of Probationary Member, Accredited Member or Full Member shall be entitled to vote.
In addition, members must have paid every subscription and other sum due and payable to YDSA/YBDSA in respect of their membership to be able to vote.
Voting to elect your Committee
The committee has 12 seats. If there are more nominees than seats, there will be an election, otherwise the AGM will be invited to elect the committee en bloc.
We will provide a voting paper for you to complete. This will be added to the AGM Papers in the Members Area in a few days, once we've given those wanting to stand time to put their name forward. To help you decide who you want representing you, we will be including a short biography of the nominees.
You are free to vote for any number of nominees up to a maximum of 12, although it would help if you voted for all 12 nominees you'd like to represent you as if we do not fill the committee with the first round of voting, we will require another round. If you vote for more than 12 nominees, your paper will be void.
You may submit a "postal vote" by completing the voting paper ahead of the AGM and emailing it to
If you are acting as proxy for another member, you have as many votes as proxies you hold. Please complete one voting paper for yourself and one voting paper per proxy you hold (e.g. if you hold two proxies then you will complete three voting papers).
Appointing a Proxy
If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may appoint a proxy to vote in your stead. To appoint a proxy, you must complete the Proxy Form in the Members Area (direct link at bottom of this email) and return to The Glassworks by post or email (preferred) to
The articles state "The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing." So when receiving by email, we ask you to print the Proxy Form, complete it by hand, take a scan or photograph, and email back to us from an email address we have on file for you.
This must be received no later than Wednesday 22nd November 2023, otherwise your proxy request is void.
Articles Of Association Of The Yacht Designers & Surveyors Association Limited - Section 10, 33, 34.
Companies Act - Section 284.