Membership for Full Members is for senior brokers with many years’ experience – usually managers or business owners.
Membership for Accredited Members is for Brokers with a number of years’ experience but may be less than that of a Full Member. For example, you may often be working with another broker.
Membership for Trainees is free for a three-year period, and it is anticipated that in due course Trainees will apply for Accredited Membership. It is expected Trainee Members have completed the ABYA Yacht Brokerage Course and are developing their skills - usually working with another more senior broker.
Fellow Membership
Fellowships are awarded at an AGM for services to the Association and are additional to the above grades.
Honorary Membership
Awarded at an AGM to retired members and non-members for services to the Association.
Partner Membership
Partner members are professional organisations or individuals who offer services which are complementary to the membership of YBDSA, such as marine insurance, law, finance or in technical areas. Partners are listed on our website and are welcome at Association events at the discounted member rate.
If you wish to become a Partner Member, please contact us using the details below.
Re-election is available to those who have been out of Membership for some time and wish to re-join.
Members are encouraged to upgrade to Full Member after a suitable experience as an Accredited Member. Experienced brokers/agents may apply for membership as a Full Member.